Clearing Copyrights, Trademarks and Other Rights for Entertainment and Media Productions
Second Edition, Updated & Expanded
(Read Complimentary Book Excerpt Here.)
The Permission Seeker’s Guide Through the Legal Jungle explains the rights clearance process and provides detailed guidance for the legal use of music, artwork, names, film clips, and other protected materials.
This Second Edition is completely updated for 2017 and includes new or expanded discussions on the following topics:
Quotes. When and how much can you quote from other people’s material? Considerations for when one may and may not quote books, movies, songs, etc. without permission
Wiretapping. When is it acceptable to record others’ activities, and when is such activity illegal wiretapping? Is it legal to photograph police activity? This topic relates to newsgathering techniques, recording of police by citizen reporters, and documentary productions.
Political and Cause Marketing. A new chapter highlights the rights clearance issues that frequently arise during political campaign season.
Fan Fiction. Fan fiction borrows heavily from existing books, movies, television programs, and other creative works. When is it okay to write, produce, and publish fan fiction?
Videogames. How can you use real people and trademarks in videogames and other software applications? There have recently been several lawsuits against videogame producers for the unauthorized use of real people’s images and trademarks in their games.
Tattoos as Protectable Art. After tattoo artists filed lawsuits against productions depicting real people who are tattooed with the tattoos designed by those artist, using subjects with tattoos has become a concern for filmmakers, photographers, videogame companies, and producers of other creative media.
Graffiti As Protectable Art. To what extent can a producer incorporate graffiti into his work? While there are special circumstances surrounding the copyrightability of graffiti, if the graffiti is copyright-protected, its use is subject to the same restrictions as any other copyrighted work.
Fonts. While fonts themselves are not copyrightable, the software that generates fonts and typefaces can be copyrightable. There might be restrictions on or additional payment requirements for certain uses such as ebooks, websites, and television or film credits.
Review the full table of contents and read an excerpt of the Expanded & Updated Second Edition of the Permission Seeker’s Guide Through the Legal Jungle at
MORE DETAILS. Authored by Joy R. Butler, Published by Sashay Communications, 978-0-9672940-7-0, 450 pages, paperback, trim size 6 x 9, retail price $29.95. Available at, and from retail and online stores including and